Marine Surveys by High Tech Marine Surveys, Patrick Goodrow, SAMS® SA, Eliot, Maine, USA High Tech Marine Surveys

ISO 9001 Certification Eliot, Maine, USA
Serving Maine and the US East Coast
Worldwide Service Available

Patrick Goodrow, SAMS® AMS®

Principal Marine Surveyor

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About High Tech Marine Surveys
Patrick Goodrow has been a professional sailor for the past thirty years. He has had the opportunity to sail at the highest level of competition both nationally and internationally.

Marine Surveys by High Tech Marine Surveys, Patrick Goodrow, SAMS® SA, Eliot, Maine, USA Patrick is a "hands on" project manager to many successful racing programs. His experience has ranged from dinghies, one design, maxi boats and the America's Cup. Pat has been an innovator in "go fast" equipment, many of which are widely accepted today. He has always been involved in every aspect of "the program". The mast, sails, and hull construction were all under his careful eye. His experiences crewing for some of the best skippers in the world has elevated his attention to detail to the highest level.

For about 20 years Capt. Goodrow has had a position of Captain for a very active New England sailing family. His responsibilities include managing new boat projects and maintaining "the fleet". The new projects ranged from an innovative winged racing vessel to a 42 foot cruising catamaran. Renovations were done to all the boats. Galley upgrades, rigging upgrades, engine re-powering, just to name a few. He has cruised extensively up and down the East coast.

Marine Surveys by High Tech Marine Surveys, Patrick Goodrow, SAMS® SA, Eliot, Maine, USA During the slow season Patrick has a marine consulting company specializing in refits for racing and cruising sailboats. If that wasn't enough he helped a friend build an 8 meter racing yacht that can be converted from comfortable cruising to successful racer.

He has a USCG Masters Licence. Memberships include The Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors where he is an Accredited Marine Surveyor, and the American Boat and Yacht Council.

He is happy to discuss your yacht's needs anytime. Whether it is a survey, upgrades consultation, or project management, please feel free to call, fax, or e-mail him.

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Copyright © 2008/2020 High Tech Marine Surveys, Eliot, Maine, USA,
Installed November 20, 2008, Last Revised May 28, 2020 - Hosted and maintained by Don Robertson